:: Episode 208: Clobbering Time
   Gokaisen (Fifth Match)


And so, just like that, the match starts! How... anticlimactic... oh well, just like in a Pokemon battle, Takii sends out Ko Kawashima to bat first. He manages to read Abe like a book, watches closely, aaaand hits, getting on base! He informs the others that all the balls were exactly as predicted, and the foolish little Bijo players are SO impressed, totally believing in their coach now.
Next is... Middle School Abe...? Sakaeguchi...? Naw, it's just Tetsuro Ishikawa. He fails, but Takii is still totally chill, believing that they'll manage to pummel Nishiura into the ground.
Next up, Atsushi Yano! After waiting around a bit, he sends the ball FLYING. The first point goes to Bijo, and their crazy Toseiesque supporters go wild! Nishiura does a pretty lousy job at hiding their disappointment but I can't say I blame them.
Next up is the captain, Makoto Wada! Abe COULD just walk him, but he decides against it at the last minute... only to have Makoto hit a homerun. Two more points! That's THREE! In the first round! WOW!!!
Abe runs up to Mihashi to check on him, and apologizes for being careless. Naomasa and Kentaro are up next, ending it with no more points.
In the Nishiura dugout, Mihashi, Tajima and Izumi perform their new relaxation method, which consists of tickling.

Aaaand it's Nishiura's turn to attack, sending out Izumi first! Out of Bijo's three crazy pitchers, Yoshito Takenouchi is their number one. Does Izumi stand a chance against Yoshito, manliness personified? Nope, not this time. Sakaeguchi does manage to get on base, though, and Suyama bunts him a bit further. Tajima hits next, Sakaeguchi runs for it, but Naomasa manages to throw the ball back home before Nishiura manages to score. Yoshito makes a little internal comment about refusing to lose to a coeducation school with a cheering team. That is... so manly!!
Mihashi angsts a bit about being no good, but Hanai snaps him out of it.
Speaking of angsting! There's also a little bit of it on Takeshi's part as he watches his teammates praise his rival Naomasa. That's when YANO spookily pops up behind him! Yano warns Takeshi about his risky play style before slinking back into the shadows. Yeah okay, Bijo's turn to bat again. Takamitsu Matsushita fails, but Takeshi gets on base. Next up is YOSHITO, and Takeshi manages to run further while he fools around. It's Ko's turn again next, and he brings in another point! After running back home, Takeshi looks up at Roka in the stands. He's waiting for a sign of some sort... hmm...
Either way, next up is Tetsuro, and while he does strike out, Abe has a lot of trouble coming up with a plan.

The round is over, and Mihashi runs back to the dugout where he discovers that the way Bijo is batting does indeed contradict all their data on them! Oh dear, does that mean he is useless? Is Abe useless? Should he tell the others about his discovery, or will they get mad? He eventually does decide to approach Abe and Momoe, and with some help from Tajima, he manages to get his point across. So now that Nishiura have noticed that they're being toyed with, will they be able to turn things around? Nahh...
Abe, Mihashi and Momoe try to figure out what makes Bijo tick while Hanai skips off to bat. He gets foiled by Bijo's fantastic teamwork. While Oki and Abe get ready to bat, Momoe fills the rest of the team in on what has been discovered while scary music plays in the background: Bijo has been thoroughly stalking them and figured out precisely how their battery works, and move their players around depending on who's batting.
Meanwhile, both Oki and Abe strike out, yaaaayy. Hanai and Izumi have a snippy little conversation, Izumi being in a bad mood since he figured out Tajima discovered how Bijo works before him.
As Abe and Mihashi ready themselves for another defensive round, Abe tells Mihashi to shake his head... but not REALLY. No, you see, Abe will have Mihashi intentionally shake his head at little fake signs he'll give him just to throw Bijo off! Ooh, desperate.

Best parts

  • YOSHITO. IS SO. MANLY!!! Siiiigh.
  • Yano being a spooky... shadow creature.

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